they are "top man" (take the male role). They will permit oral copulation with their person and anal intercourse with yours. They will even reciprocrate so far as kissing and caressing, and are, on the whole, understanding, considerate, gentle and loveable -but they cannot keep secrets. Talking too much seems to be an inherent Latin weakness. If you have an affair one evening, by the next noon all of your partner's friends will know about it, and in detail.

Generally homosexuality is accepted in these countries. There are laws against it, to be sure, but they are rarely enforced. It is considered one of the variations of life. Latin countries have their share of the effeminate and masculine homosexuals. The effeminate homosexual is known as "Maricon" and the masculine type as "Patro." The effeminate type in these countries prefers to be kept. The masculine type usually Successfully disguises himself as "top man" (especially with foreigners), but if you understand and speak the language and know the customs, it is possible to hold out and become "top man" yourself, if your desires should be so constructed; this type gets so excited that he cannot hold out and will give up and turn over

Basically man is the same the world over.

His only difference is in language and custom. Once you learn the language and understand the custom, you are in-if you know what I mean.

Editor ONE Mag.:

Mr. T. G. D.

Eau Gallie, Florida

I enclose the cost of my weekly fifth of juice. Do with it what you will, but I suggest some intelligent, appropriate literature on the subject of entrapment. On June 1st, a man in Seattle was dismissed from a morals charge because our District Court judge, Bill Lewis, considered the arrest "entrapment." The judge is now in the position of defending his ruling against the opinions of the local press and some of his fellow judges. Judge Lewis appears to have established precedent precedent in over-ruling what has become an "established principal" in this narrow-minded state that it is not entrapment to furnish an offender an opportunity to commit the offense with which he is charged. Don't make the mistake of assuming Judge Lewis to be one of our group. He probably made his ruling out of disgust with the sneaky gum shoe tactics of the local police.

Mr. F. O. O. Seattle, Washington







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